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he can smell the sea as a breeze whispers through the wood, sending the old boughs into a dance of creaks and groans. he inhaled it, humming at the old comfort that ocean spray used to bring him. it reminded him of home. there’s a twist in his gut at the thought as pyr finds himself homesick beneath the old wood. there’s a frown on his lips as he pushes further into the forest, snow whispering underfoot, to find the festivities of the fete. the old maestor had threatened him with the wrath of the gods themselves if pyr didn’t show up at least once to the festivities. he’d also threatened to castrate him if he dared to ruin the fun for the rest of their court.

’for allmother’s sake, pyr, you’re not going looking like you were dragged from the forest floor.’ he liked this maestor. she was as mean as could be and didn’t tolerate the crooked ambition of the others (of the one plotting against him). She’d raked tangles out of him as he yelped and had slapped a coronet band of gold onto his forehead. It was a simple piece, nothing like the crown of his father. no jewels. no diamonds. no luxury. before she’d set him free, she’d reminded him to have fun and not to start a fight.

And now he was here, wandering through the wood and trying not to look bored or fidget beneath the weight of his duties.

And he hoped, wishing on every star that peaked through the canopy above, that Lys wouldn’t be here to distract him; to make his heart lurch in his chest.