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Peitho Origins

The Peitho (to convince, persuade, to sway) came from the joining of the sea to the night sky—that is the bedtime tale. They were drawn up from the sediment beyond the moon’s reach, heaved by the tide and churning of a great storm in an act of fervor and great love. That is what toils in their blood, which drives their hearts. Great propensity for passion (such sin!). A great want for salt on their breath, no matter how far they may stray—and stray they had.

Fond of poeticism, of passion, of greed—they find joy in their lofty standing and their Good Name. Members of an Underground Network, a Cult that has guided and influenced generations upon generations of Court Rulers, the Peitho are deep-seated in their avarice. They’re refugees to the High Court and have found their numbers (not only in blood-family but connections) have dwindled to near extinction. Survivalists above all, and hungry to keep their hold over those who rule, they are certain to push themselves back onto the main stage, all while trying to keep their secret fraternity as secretive as its always been, unknown to nearly all but those who’ve gained the surreptitious privilege in joining.

There is one cadet branch, made of Aidoneus and her children—filthy hybrids, the lot of them—an offshoot that has been Exiled from the Flock. Her mother’s pound of flesh has been paid, but with their numbers congregating now in the same region, it’s clear that sharing a name with such lowly beings may lead to a want to see her… removed. Permanently.

While members of the Dusk Court, none of the Peitho have ever sat in the seat of absolute power. Though, it is rumoured that those leading the Dusk Court denizens is possibly a member. A truth that is safeguarded by all members of the Flock, and only known for certain by a select group of higher ranking members.


Species — Strictly Lachox; hybrids are seen as a disgrace deserving to be removed.

Pelts — rich, vibrant; commonly warmer shades, commonly shaded and striped. Those thick barred stripes are what made the Peitho, Peitho. Calling upon the origins of their family, they speak to a heritage of seafaring clans. Their coats mimic the way the moon dances across sand bars beneath the shallows. The piebald etchings came from the mother of Oeneus and were considered vogue at the time her genetics were entered into the family gene pool, and a prized trait.

Mutations — Scales, Webbed Toes, Iridescence to coat, Long, smooth-haired tails.

Eyes — bright, animated; secreted sacred places of hidden passions and the brightness of vivacity better left hidden. Their eyes held no true meaning, nor were very celebrated. Simply shades of blue and teal, warming to sharp golds and sometimes softening to violet.

Builds — athleticism was celebrated, not by action, but only by looks. Builds that implied higher ability, but never to be wielded. They simply liked the look of a slender, capable build. But to be so low as to hunt, to brawl? Please. That was better left to the paupers and urchins. Introductions of outside lineage, however, had influenced smaller, finer builds. It drew in brawn that was not very celebrated or desired.

A Brief History of Scandal

The Peitho were once considered a family of high honour and recognition within their Cult, a group made of many aligning families found in the Dusk Court. Their allegiances were kept secret in the region, and all congregating was done clandestinely.

Originator of this lineage is Oenus Peitho, a celebrated cleric in the Cult of Hades. A snooty fellow, of the highest order. His death, leaving behind his widow and twin children (Delos and Delphi), and a number of less scandalized children, caused a great stir and ripples within the Cult. It left a great rift in the Flock, and was the root of a lot of discord in a time of prosperity. His widow, Kore, became overzealous and distrustful of all. She became very conspiratorial and mad. Her actions grew more and more wild and fervent, unpredictable in every way—aside from the abject cruelty subjected to her children.

Delos and Delphi, causing the Peitho name to become even further besmirched, murdered their mother. Beheaded her, and in an act of insult and ceremony, tossed her head into the sea. To add insult to injury to their Good Name TM, Delos stole a bride (Camarina) from a second lofty family. Going against all teachings of their Cult (salacious passion), placed a heavy price on his head. This one, not for sacrifice or exile, but far worse torment. Something saved for only the lowest of low. He was pursued, as was his family. A messy time it became—with much betrayal at every turn. His own children would be the cause of his untidy end. They purchased their way back into the Cult of Hades, and their father was the currency.

Hercyna, a daughter of Delos, had departed from the gaming of being chased and convicted. Of being blighted by her father’s sins. She had created a settlement with her wife and shared in a litter of children. Four sons, and a daughter. Things were idyllic. Things were simply great. However, the Peitho's newly returned to the Cult, could not reclaim their good standing within their ranks as a result of her unclean choice of passion over duty. Something had to be done. What else was there for them to do? Knowing their sister’s softness, and the root of her weakness, they hired unclean hands to undo their happy life. They would murder Rhode Vromia, her wife. They murdered her and hid the body.

History repeating itself, Hercyna became cold and unloving towards her children. Lost without her True North, her Star, her Compass, she felt she had no choice but to return to her family. Seeking purpose and the comfort of something familiar, she pled her case to be welcomed back into the surreptitious cult. They would accept her and help raise the Peitho to glory – if only Hercyna would pay with what she treasured most. Her daughter.

She would try to murder Aidoneus, and in a turn of fate and sudden events, Aidoneus (only an adolescent at one cycle old), was able to overcome the ordeal as the victor. Only to see herself as her mother’s killer. The Cult was pleased in either case, the remaining Peitho family too were gladdened to have the weak link cut. They would welcome the children of Hercyna and Rhode into the folds, promising them prosperity and finery. All Aidoneus saw was death, and lies. She left the Cult, knowing she would have to travel very far to escape their eyes and their reach. The boys remained, for however long, Miruvor would not know.

On the Flock of Hades

i. Founded hundreds of generations ago, before time memorable. There were six families known to be supreme, to have been there at the heart of its discovery, its founding. Only three of these families remained at the time of the Peitho Ousting. One of which, is understood to have command over the Cult and the Kingdoms they’ve infiltrated. Something of a Shadow Emperor, of whom only the most pious and zealous of the Cult are aware of his identity.

ii. Vanity, Posh, Secretive, and incredibly petty. They look for any reason to cleave off rot both imagined and manufactured.

iii. They only care about cool aesthetics and having power over others. Ambitious is not word enough to describe their hearts. Petty is also not enough. They’re incredibly shallow, and a few shades stupid. Clever only in the way they’ve been able to adapt, survive, and carry on their belief system this long and reaching.

iv. Anything believed to be a slight (as they are only as good as their weakest link), is to be amputated. Poor genes, ugly markings, ugly colouring, poor manners, too brawny, too passionate, too loving, too soft, too generous. There are many reasons that they will conjure in order to remove who they wish to remove. To save face for the remaining families, Sacrifice is a lie they tell to make it seem as a Good Thing to cull someone from their flock. The Highest Insult is to be the family of an Exile. Usually, one Exile leads to the entire Exile of the family. One by one. All imagined little slights. The lie is they are to be missionaries, to recruit. Everyone knows, that there are never any new recruits. Not anymore.

v. Base instincts are beneath them. Predilections of any kind are beneath them. Preferences outside of Climbing Ladders and Wielding Authority are outside the realm of their worship. Don’t fall in love. And for heaven’s sake, if you have children, only let the very best thrive.

vi. They celebrate Hades as The Essence, and Fate, as Destiny. As a vehicle of life on this plane, to carry them to Elysium. It is the very thing that makes them supreme, that has granted them great wealth. It lives in the Unseen Shadows, in what is cast by Sunlight, in the Undertow of tides, in the Wind filing through canopies. It is everything and nothing – all at once. It is the poetry upon which they feast, upon which all glory is possible. And it belongs only to them.

The Family & Adoptables


Peitho Head of Family Grandchild of Oeneus Peitho Thirteenth of his Name. Inherited the position of Head of Family after the murder of their predecessor. They were instrumental in seeing the removal of their sister Hercyna and descendants from the lineage and any claim to their rank within the Flock. Hypocritical in the way they are passionate enough to do anything to keep their place in the Flock and family; but also keep a bed warmer on the side.

Consort The spouse of our head of the family. Dour, and quite believed to be the exact influence remaining to the family name. Married into the family young, having been a member of another Flock Lachox Family. One of greater reputation and resources. And one who is absolutely more than willing to get their hands dirty to achieve their goals.

Patriarch's Mistress Not the wife, nor would ever deign to take a seat. Privy to more than they should know. Told to be an escaped courtesan, rumoured to be not the bloom, but the snake beneath it. Conniving, but not cruel. They simply thrive beneath the protection of being tied to an influential family and may have eyes to aim even further than what the Peitho can provide.

Flock Members Unlimited; cousins, siblings, fellow flock members. They follow their own idea of religion, though entirely in secret. With the Dusk Court's home lain to waste, they've been forced into High Court, pushed further from their ceremonial throne and into a new game of influence and greed.

Nemertes Peitho: At least 5 gyres. Parent of Neomaris and Little Witch. Spouse to Lorcias. Serving currently as Margrave in the High Court, and has been there at least one year before the birth of their children.

Lorcias Peitho: proposed design. At least 5 gyres, Parent of Neomaris and Little Witch. The spouse to Nemertes. Has only recently been made aware of their Spouse and Children's membership of the Flock, and of its existence. Deeply devoted to the Old Gods, and the Matriarch, and is troubled by the treason happening in their home.

Neomaris Peitho: TAKEN (Daanyen) A dim glow, not known to carry a lot of intellect and that's okay. His parents, Nemertes and Lorcias, were sent to High Court prior to the meteor. Currently employed as Constable, with the task of earning the ear of his superiors.

Little Witch: Littermate of Neomaris,, child of Nemertes and Lorcias, and has swiftly found themselves on the fast track to being named Herald. 3 gyres old, and ambitious af. Has been clever enough to avoid gaining any reputation outside of being dependable, and whose loyalty has never been called into question.

Ampelos Peitho: Younger sibling of Nemertes Peitho, and far more sinister. Was spiteful they were chosen to be sent to High Court, as they've always had eyes beyond Dusk and gaining more than what the Peitho have been given. Was instrumental in the new Patriarch's rise, possibly because it meant their own ascension to come.

Amatheia, Metioche, Leneus: the Remaining children of Delos, varying ages (No younger than 5 gyres). Serving as the largest branch of the Peitho family, they've suffered greater in-fighting than any other faction within the Flock. They are not above murdering each other for sport or finding fault enough to seek each other to be exiled. Their vanity and corruption will be their inevitable downfall.

Children of the Flock: The Offspring of Delos' children. Likely made weary of the scandals, and the infighting. Some have been made hungrier by the games of ambition and power.


*eyes the mistress hardcore* o_o'

Mother to neomaris
7 gyres

Plays the game well

Ampelos/Thrakian [THRAY] + [SHUHN] Peitho: Younger sibling of Nemertes Peitho, and far more sinister. Was spiteful they were chosen to be sent to High Court, as they've always had eyes beyond Dusk and gaining more than what the Peitho have been given. Was instrumental in the new Patriarch's rise, possibly because it meant their own ascension to come.

"rest in the dominion
of a figure,
aslant and radiant
like a candle
in its own silent

“It’s indignity you can’t stand, you’re like a cat that way.”

“The emperor counsels simplicity. First principles. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself, in its own constitution? What is its causal nature?”

"Discourtesy is unspeakably ugly to me.”

He were a methodical beast - innate, self-imposed. The feat of life's vow, wrought. He could never deny himself or concede to half-measures. The glut of his stomach is as wide as it is empty. Deep into the pockets of another dark universe, is the vestige; eaten. Contained, in perimeters, to his design. He was a martyr for his family's becoming; the righteous fury of his indignity for all that denied or mocked him. Stonecutter. Honor was an antagonist. It worked to oppose him, his self was prone to the constant workings of (vicious, sacred, multifaceted) life. It was home, those feelings were, but not all were good tenants. Fickle things that had business with brain and instinct, not the inner-cavity of his heart. Plastic and wires. Molecules that fire rapidly. They moved, writhed in volatile circuits. Sparks, flew and bite. Steelwork. The rational actor. Soul of stone. Untapped ore. Ego and force; transformation and destruction. He is by nature glacial, with the pride and temper of a lion if provoked to act. He won't deny himself. He is above the process, measuring his actions by their transparency. What betrays him is imagination: pattern, method, precision, obsession, adoration, loathing, rage, ambition. All the ways that vision transforms what is perceived. The fault was that he nourished his nature with one thin barrier between reflections. He regrets nothing but what he commits to his family's prestige and influence. His moral compass leads in the most opportunistic direction, he has learned honor does not pave a road to success. He aims to win, however narrow the obstacle or chance; his justice is omnipotent.

A protean source of gravity that rebuked its downfall. And blessed its triumph, however taxing to the imagination. Or the means of which it ended. To learn and to cope, he is not a poet but a tool for ruthlessness and war. Kingmaker. He is wiry and hawkish, an instruction of perseverance. His idol is the prey his teeth bide for and crush, to preserve the raw power of his world. He is private in nature and often humbled through his experiences, however destitute or humiliating. A face of contemplation, of placid waters, the cold beauty of animal in his maw. His voice never rose above a whisper. Long, aquiline jaws that sit grimly beneath the thin line of his mouth. It seldom smiles. The anticipation is in his expressive micro-gestures and beneficent demeanor. His edges are rough, but comely and they do not bend. Coral eyes. Slitted pupils, including what is referred to as a 'third eye' possessing an extra set of membranes that protect his sight. His coat is the color of drowned kingdoms. The ocean floor under moonlight, the dunescapes and sand bars obscured under a Plutonian shore. These stripes are modeled to his flesh; he wears them proudly. Never disheveled or slouched. And he carries it evenly, like a brimming cup. A cryptic grace to his piebald legs. Two sets of golden horns grow from his crown, the larger twisting behind his jawline and the smaller curved above his brows. Claws, too, polished and metallic. His tail is a long band of muscle and fur, utilized most when in the water for strong diving. Webbed feet. Fleshy pink nose. UNF