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it's a sharp, loud exclamation that is part pain and part disbelief. his head thumps with the beat of his heart and the dusk prince gives an uncertain little laugh, breathy and nervous with just a hint of amusement. his paw lifts to rub at his temple, wincing at the lump that's forming already. the nearby hare dashes away, safely tucking itself into the deep of the forest surrounding the godwood. the black smear, leftover bits of his thauma given physical form he supposes, mars the ground and he makes a soft sound in the back of his throat, reaching his paw from his skull to the earth to brush over the mark. his scowl deepens.

he's never had trouble containing his thauma before; it bent to his will from the time he was young. undran had practically been born with mastery ( or so he crows ) and to see ( and feel ) it react as it had leaves even the bastard a bit shaken.

exhaling, he rocks to his feet and shakes his fur off. "well that didn't go as planned." he muses absently, crooking a dark brow over his pale eyes and staring off at the distant crashing of something tearing through the forest. he's no longer sure that it's just a hare - it's quite a lot of noise for a little critter. and with his thauma acting up, he just hopes it's not something more dangerous. he grimaces. he'd hate to get dirty, today.